Best Bootcamp A List Winner - 2012

Best Personal Trainer A List Winner - 2012

Channel 7 A List Winner - 2011

It Burns Joe Fitness is probably the biggest fitness group of it's kind in the country (maybe the world) with over 11,000 members.
Our biggest workout so far has been 260 people in one session WOW! I have the privilege of giving the gift of extreme fitness to over 500 fitness freaks a week!
Our extreme workouts are 3 hours long 3 times a week punishing every muscle in the body, first timers are often sore from their baby toes to their earlobes and will have to call in sick to work or not be able to walk normal for a few days.
The only way we keep our numbers down from a completely uncontrollable size group is by continuously making our extreme workout harder and harder and that's why I am constantly trying to find a different muscle or killer move that spanks us all
(including me). The beautiful thing about training you all is that I get a killer workout myself. Newbie’s, dedicate yourself - the results come fast, and try the IBJF diet for the full package.
We (IBJF) leave our ego's at home, we push without competition, we train at the gym to do better at IBJF, we've made lasting friendships and best friends, business contacts and yes some hookups, but our main focus and goal is and always has been a better life through extreme fitness.

IBJF - The Doctors

IBJF - Channel 4

It Burns Joe Fitness - Westword Article

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It Burns Joe Fitness - 5280 Article

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It Burns Joe Fitness - Denver’s 90 Days of Summer Article

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